Tuesday 14 July 2009

14/07/09: Food

1 (M) banana - 1.5pts
1 (M) Starbucks skinny latte - 2.5pts

1 (L) jacket potato - 4pts
Baked beans - 2.5pts

1 (M) pear - 1pt
1 pot WW black cherry yoghurt - 1pt

330ml Fanta twist - 2.5pts
Salad - 2.5pts
Chicken - 4.5pts

TOTAL: 22/22pts

We didn't go running today for no particular reason other than I couldn't wake up as usual and I didn't feel too great this evening. I'm going to call an early night and if I wake up early tomorrow, I will go for my first run of week ten. My shin's still a little sore so it might be for the best.

Monday 13 July 2009

13/07/09: Food

1 grande skinny latte from Starbucks - 2.5pts
1 medium banana - 1.5pts

Deli sandwich - 8pts
Crisps - 2pts

Chicken - 4.5pts
WW Beans - 4pts

TOTAL: 22.5/22pts

Sunday 12 July 2009

12/07/09: Food

Foot long turkey Subway (with salad and light mayo, no cheese) - 10pts

Japanese rice crackers - 6pts

Chips - 5pts

TOTAL: 21/22pts (+ 5 bonus pts)

Not exactly the healthiest choices today, but I had a lot of salad in my Sub? Not good enough? Hmm, I guess I'll just have to try harder from tomorrow.

Week 9, 3rd Run

Time: 1815
Duration: 3min run & 1min walk x9 (36min)
Distance: 4.17km
Weather: approx 22C - partly cloudy - cool breeze

Today's run wasn't as fast as Friday's, but that wasn't a problem because we were only 100m short compared to Friday anyway. I think yesterday's crazy swim-a-thon didn't do me very good as my muscles were aching and heavy when we started running. By the time we finished, my right shin was a little sore and I felt a little dizzy but I'm absolutely fine right now.

I'm looking forward to completing my 10 week programme - only one more week to go! After that, I'm going to concentrate on training for my 5K run in September. At the moment, I definitely can't run the whole of it. However I'm going to look up some training methods and I'll take it from there - can't promise I'll run all of it by then either though!

Saturday 11 July 2009

11/07/09: Food

40g Fruit n Fibre - 2.5pts
100ml skimmed milk - 0.5pt

Chicken fajitas @ Chiquito's - 14.5pts
Cocktail - 4.5pts

TOTAL: 22/22pts (+ 2.5 bonus pts)

Yes, it doesn't look like I've eaten a lot today, but it was because I was trying to save my points for a meal with my friend at Chiquito's. I also went swimming at midday so I got a couple of bonus points in the mix too. It's only 2100 but I'm actually quite tired so I think I'll be off to bed in a minute. Goodnight!

Friday 10 July 2009

Week 9, 2nd Run: Woah... parp

Time: 2200
Duration: 3min run & 1min walk x9 (36min)
Covered: 4.23km
Weather: 17C - cloudy - cold breeze

Today's run was pretty amazing. I didn't think I'd have energy in me to do it, but I managed it somehow and at a pretty fast pace. Before when we used to go on a run, I didn't really feel like we were "running", more like jogging. However, today was definitely running and even my boyfriend noticed the pace had picked up a little. I don't know what made me want to go a little faster but I did so and surprisingly it didn't feel too bad! It was tough, don't get me wrong, but I didn't dread only having a minute to walk and catch my breath. I took my Heart Rate Monitor with me and checked my pulse during the three minute runs and it was reading around 170-180bpm, which I don't think is very good (well, it sure isn't healthy) and my average heart rate overall was around 163bpm, which again isn't very good. I may have got carried away with day dreaming about my 5K race but I need to find my perfect pace again because I did feel a little burned out right at the end. Anyway, overall it was a great run and I actually enjoyed running a little faster. But lessons for Sunday is to maybe slow it down a tiny bit and also I need to not eat at least 3 hours before my run on food that makes me produce gas - I mean I've heard of "second wind" but my goodness, I didn't mean to have one so literally!

10/07/09: Food

1 tall Starbucks skinny latte - 1.5pts
1 medium banana - 1.5pts

Salad with dressing - 1.5pts
Ham - 2pts
Baguette - 5pts

1 primo Costa skinny latte - 0.5pt
1 pot of strawberry WW yoghurt - 0.5pt
1 small glass of Irn Bru - 1pt

Spinach, red & yellow peppers with dressing - 0.5pt
Chickpeas - 2pts
Croutons - 2pts
Feta cheese - 3pts
1 small white wine - 1pt

TOTAL: 22/22pts (+ 5 bonus pts)